Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rosie, the Riveter

     In honor of the upcoming Memorial Day weekend:
Click to Mix and Solve

This is another 3D rendition of one of Norman Rockwell's magazine cover: Rosie the Riveter.

Drum Roll, please . . . . Trumpet Voluntary . . . .pom-poms:
Today is my "Tax Freedom Day!!!!"
I sent off my 2006 and 2007 taxes to the accountant today!!! It cost me a day in Cincinnati to get it down, but now I'm FREE! FREE! FREE!! HALLELUYAH, I'M FREE!!!! So Christina, if your reading this, that means I'll be working on your album.

This weekend is Agape's birthday (21, yikes!) and we will be in Ohio celebrating a graduation with dear friends.
Happy, safe travels to all, and I pray a special blessing on all our service personnel and veterans.

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