Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Homespun Handbells

I am just about to pop right out of my skin!!!! The JoyBell Ringers have gone nationwide!!! We garnered some interest from the hometown paper last summer, and now the whole handbell nation has been introduced to my phenomenal ringers via the Overtones! (the official publication of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers) Many, many thanks to Laurel Cleary for taking the time to seek me out for an interview and writing such an upbeat article that accurately tells our story and conveys the passion and enthusiasm that I have for ringing bells with my kids. Thanks also to J.R. Smith, the editor of Overtones for working with me to generously incorporate so many wonderful shots of the kids into the story. So, Michelle, you are published now!!!
Please go read it:

JoyBell Ringers in the Jan-Feb 2009 Overtones


Katie said...

COOL BEANS! I am on the front cover of a nation wide handbell magazine! COOL BEANS! Thanks so much for sticking with us Miss Charlotte! Love you!

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting to see the girls photos in print and for them to get this published recognition, of course it's so well-deserved! I am grandmother to Ashley, Emily, and Isabelle Marshall. Way to go girls! Congratulations, Charlotte!

Emma Ray