Friday, January 16, 2009

Orchid and Orchkids

Click to Mix and Solve

A continuation of the orchid show, which is a cheery reprieve from the grip of the deep freeze outside.

I snapped this while I was sitting here writing this post. Do I look like it's 8 degrees outside?

I heard this inspiring story on NPR about a program in Baltimore at the Harriet Tubman Elementary School in collaboration with the Baltimore Symphony. It's called: Orchkids. You can read about it here as well as listen to the broadcast. More affirmation for my relentless mission to bring music into the lives of children!


Michelle said...

You know if it's 16 degrees here then it's gonna be butt-chillin' cold in the mtns.....
Did you see where I tagged you on my blog?

Smith Schoolhouse said...

you do look pretty cozy!

Hey I need to talk to you about handbells.

Also, I did not realize that all your puzzle pix have a play button to actually do the puzzle! Silly me, I thought it was just a photo feature you were crazy about.

C McPherson said...

Hey Michelle,
I did see, and believe it or not, the 4th picture in my 4th folder was my fish of the "Fish Tale" post, so the story's already been told!
3 degrees this morning grrrr . . . . .

Marissa, How funny about the puzzle thing. I'm glad you figured out. I am a little addicted to jig saw puzzles. I usually sit down with my cup of coffee in the morning and do the Jigzone puzzle of the day, and I love being able to make my photos into puzzles, too.
I'll be waiting for you to "ring my bell."