Wednesday, April 18, 2007

God, Have Mercy on Us

In memory of those ruthlessly slain at Virginia Tech (my husband's alma mater), I'm not posting a puzzle tonight. I ask that you please spend the time it takes to work a puzzle in prayer for the families of the lost, and for the healing of the Tech community.

"Heavenly Father,
Come with Your peace to the students, faculty and staff at Virginia Tech, and to the greater community of Blacksburg. Calm their fears and bring Your comforting presence. Give wisdom and strength to the administration of the University as they deal with this crisis. Grant healing and comfort to the injured and wisdom to those treating them. Bring Your powerful strength and presence to those friends and families who have lost loved ones and to those who have friends and family who have been injured. Send Your ministering spirit to heal and restore the entire community as they seek to recover from this horrendous act of violence. Call our nation to repentance and righteousness, that You may heal our land from all that troubles us.