Sunday, April 29, 2007

Lady Liberty (sort-of)

It's late. I'm soooo tired, and hoping Diana doesn't go into labor tonight, BUT, I'm button-poppin' proud of our Olympic Torch Girl, Agape, and just had to post up her pictures!

Our dear friends, Ken and Kay came to just long enough to cheer her on:

Ready to go:

Lifting high the flame:

Here's a short slideshow of her moment in glory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Agape's coach, MY heart was swelling with joy for her, so I can imagine what it was like for you and David. She held the torch so high with such pride and self-confidence and self-ASSUREDNESS. I didn't expect any less when I nominated her. All the parents and kids on the team were thrilled for her.---Coach Vickey M. Ritchie Carroll County Special Olympics