Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Amy's trip to Wyoming, Part I

Hi, this is Amy. I'm filling in for my mom, here, since she's at music camp this week and doesn't have internet access. She asked me to post a blog about my trip to Wyoming that I took last month. This was my first visit to Wyoming, and really the first time I had even been to that part of the US. We flew into Salt Lake City, UT, and drove from there, through Idaho, and into
Wyoming. I think the people in Idaho must have created some sort of marketing conspiracy to make everyone think it's a really boring place that sort of looks like a giant potato so that they can keep it all to themselves. It's SO beautiful! Here is a picture I took out of the window of our car:

I think the people in Wyoming were not as quick as the people in Idaho to figure out that they wanted to keep its beautifulness all to themselves. The secret is out - people KNOW Wyoming is gorgeous. So, instead, they have made it really hard to get to. Either you have to pay large sums of money to catch one of the few flights into the tiny airports that they have, or still pay a fair amount of money to fly into Salt Lake City and rent a car to drive up there, not to mention the four hours from the airport that it takes to get there. Johnny and I had had a really busy week working in Tulsa, and by the time we got to Salt Lake City, we felt like burnt toast. Here is a picture I took of myself in the car, wishing very much that I was curled up in a soft bed instead:

Here are some more shots that I took out of the car window. The motorcycle just happened to zoom through right as I was pressing the shutter:

Johnny kept saying how the grassy hillsides looked just like the Windows XP default background. He's such a techy. We had driven by a few sprinklers that I saw rainbows in as we passed at just the right moment, and I was able to catch it with this shot:

I think we were close to WY when I took this picture. The water is probably the Snake River. The moon was almost full, and it was a really beautiful night.

This is one of my last shots of the night. We rolled down the windows and withstood the cold for a few minutes so I could get a clear shot of the sun setting.

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